Author Archive

“Wine vat witches suffocate children” The Mythical Components of the Iberian Witch

by Paul Castell Granados

At the beginning of the 15th century, a new type of crime emerged in different parts of Europe. It was characterized by night flights to diabolical assemblies, apostasy, pacts with the Devil, and by causing illness and death through various means. The men and women found guilty of this crime received different names in the contemporary sources, such as streghe, hexen,vaudois, sorcieres or bruxas, thus attesting to the various traditions behind the birth of this phenomenon. Some of those names clearly referred to an anti-heretical tradition, while others were related to maleficent magic, or evoked mythical figures associated with nocturnal attacks. During the last decades, several authors have focused on those different traditions in an attempt to understand the emergence of this new crime of witchcraft in late medieval Europe.


Hacia un análisis feminista y dialéctico de la globalización neoliberal: el peso del complejo militar-­industrial sobre las «mujeres globales»

Bloquear y transformar

por Veronica Gago

#NosotrasParamos La voz colectiva que construye el internacionalismo de la medida del paro de mujeres para el próximo 8 de marzo. Transversalidad, alianza y transformación de un tiempo que ha dado tanta fuerza como malas noticias: la feminización de la pobreza aumenta, los femicidios no paran y la visibilidad de los casos de abuso demuestra que la impunidad ha sido la norma. Read more

La escritura en el cuerpo de las mujeres asesinadas en Ciudad Juárez

Por Rita Segato. A diferencia de la “violencia instrumental”, necesaria en la búsqueda de un cierto fin, la violencia expresiva engloba y concierne a unas relaciones determinadas y comprensibles entre los cuerpos, entre las personas, entre las fuerzas sociales de un territorio. Es una violencia que produce reglas implícitas, a través de las cuales circulan consignas de poder (no legales, no evidentes, pero sí efectivas). Rita Segato nos presenta en este texto una hipótesis respecto de este preciso problema: la violencia expresiva. Descargar aquí.

Patriarcado: del borde al centro. Disciplinamiento, territorialidad y crueldad en la fase apocalíptica del capital

por Rita Segato

“La intervención colonial, del pasado y del presente, enlo que he llamado “el mundo aldea” (Segato 2015-a y b) ha terminado por “minorizar” todo lo querespecta a las mujeres.” Descargar aquí

Economic Development Not Only Destroys the Land and Sustenance for Indigenous Communities

by Harsha Walia

Every morning this week I have woken up to my email inbox and social media feed filled with inspiring stories and images of resistance as part of the Idle No More and Defenders of the Land call for Sovereignty Summer. Sovereignty Summer is “a campaign of coordinated non-violent direct actions to promote Indigenous rights and environmental protection in alliance with non-Indigenous supporters.”

Colonialism in North America has been designed to ensure the forced displacement of Indigenous peoples from their territories, the destruction of autonomy and self-determination within Indigenous governance, and the attempted assimilation of Indigenous cultures and traditions. This has been justified through racist civilizing discourses, such as the discovery doctrine and terra nullius, which uphold the political and legal right for colonial powers to conquer supposedly barren Indigenous lands.