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Porque vivas nos queremos, juntas estamos trastocándolo todo. Notas para pensar, una vez más, los caminos de la transformación social

por Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar

En este trabajo reflexiono sobre el renovado tiempo de rebelión que se ha abierto en América Latina, de la mano de las variopintas y heterogéneas luchas de las mujeres contra la violencia machista en todas sus variantes. Utilizo una estrategia metodológica para la comprensión de tales luchas que consiste en el registro y análisis sistemático tanto de los alcances prácticos de las luchas como de los contenidos que se alumbran en ellas y diagraman cierto horizonte interior desde el movimiento mismo. Indago en las formas organizativas feministas que han habilitado este potente resurgimiento de la lucha social, así como en el ensayo de recuperación del paro como herramienta de lucha.


Witch-Hunting, Globalization, and Feminist Solidarity in Africa Today

by Silvia Federici

Witch-hunting did not disappear from the repertoire of the bourgeoisie with the abolition of slavery. On the contrary, the global expansion of capitalism through colonization and Christianization ensured that this persecution would be planted in the body of colonized societies, and, in time, would be carried out by the subjugated communities in their own name and against their own members. (Silvia Federici, Caliban and the Witch, Women, The Body and Primitive Accumulation). Download here

De los asesinatos de Ciudad Juárez al fenómeno de los feminicidios : ¿nuevas formas de violencia contra las mujeres?

por Jules Falquet

Volver sobre los asesinatos como consecuencia de las violaciones y torturas de centenares de mujeres en Ciudad Juárez a partir de 1990, no tiene nada que ver con una voluntad de victimización de las “pobres” mujeres o con la demonización de los hombres especialmente “machistas” de un “lejano“ país del sur. Descargar aquí.

Gender & Democracy in the Neoliberal Agenda. Silvia Federici


6th Subversive festival 13/05/2013, cinema Europa

As feminism has been institutionalized and subsumed to the neo-liberal agenda in the name of democratization, a feminist critique of liberal democracy is more urgent than ever. Silvia Federici discusses the role this grand illusion has played in feminist politics and contrasts it with the contribution feminist movements have made to democracy intended as self-government and egalitarian division of the commonwealth.


Witch-hunting, Past and Present and the Fear of the Power of Women

by Silvia Federici

Why were the witch hunts primarily directed against women? How does one explain the fact that for three centuries, thousands of women in Europe became the personification of “the enemy within” and of absolute evil? And how does one reconcile the all-powerful, almost mythical portrait that inquisitors and demonologists painted of their victims—as creatures of hell, terrorists, man-eaters, servants of the devil, wildly riding the skies on their broomsticks—with the defenseless figures of the actual women who were charged with these crimes and then horribly tortured and burned at the stake?